[bc blog]

:if life were simple, it wouldn't be as fun:

Oh neid kasse küll.. 30. september, 2005

Filed under: Uncategorized — BC @ 17:06

väike videoklipp juba ammusest ajast aga siiski ajab tuju rõõmsaks seda uuesti vaadates
(wmv-fail 2,8MB): http://www.hot.ee/voyag3/funny_cats.wmv


Linnar Viik täiendab aina laiemat kõlapinda saavat mõtet – mahavalimised!

Filed under: Uncategorized — BC @ 11:08

LNR BLG: Poliitikute eetikakoodeksi kriitika

1) Viimatised viited on mul sellel teemal alles mõni aeg tagasi siia lisatud.
2) Ja leidsin üles ka selle esimese loo mis kunagi ammu wolli mõttest ajendatud sai.


You really know you’re a techno-geezer when…

Filed under: Uncategorized — BC @ 11:01

You are the only one in the Wal-Mart checkout line not talking on a cell phone to pass the time while waiting for your turn to pay.

When you walk down the street with your friends you’re talking only to them instead of multitasking – talking or text messaging with someone else on your mobile phone while talking to them at the same time.

You don’t use IM to let all of your friends know where you are at all times.

You haven’t downloaded hundreds of ringtones because you think spending 99 cents per ringtone is a ripoff.

You don’t download songs every night to load on your iPod.

vot seekord siis sellised mõtted laiast maailmast.. paistab et mina kuulun siis nende hulka kes seda kõik EI tee.. :) ja siiski olen ma väga õnnelik :)

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